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ADV (Himnario Adventista)
AG (Aradhana Geethamulu)
AYM (Anointed Youth Missioners)
BE (Buku Ende)
BN (Buku Nyanyian HKBP)
ELI1 (ELI ABOLOJO (Christian Songs, Igala))
ELI2 (ELI KEKE (Short Songs, Igala))
EN (English Hymns)
GB (Gita Bakti)
GBL (Gita Bakti Edisi Lama)
HC (Держись Христа)
JB (Jiwaku Bersukacita: Pujian Sekolah Minggu)
KJ (Kidung Jemaat)
KLIK (Kumpulan Lagu Ibadah Kreatif dan KKR)
KPJ (Kidung Pasamuan Jawi)
KPKA (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Anyar)
KPKL (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Lawas)
KPPK (Kidung Puji-Pujian Kristen)
KPRI (Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 2004)
KRI (Kidung Reformed Injili 2017 (Tidak resmi))
LS (Lagu Sion Edisi Lengkap)
LSDAH (ເພັງສມີເສມ (Eternal Songs))
MNR1 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 1 (Mazmur))
MNR2 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 2 (Nyanyian Rohani))
MSDAH (ဧဝံဂေလိဓမ္မသီချင်း (Myanmar Gospel Hymnal))
NKB (Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru)
NKI (Nyanyian Kemenangan Iman)
NNBT (Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru bagi Tuhan)
NP (Nyanyian Pujian)
NR (Nafiri Rohani)
NRM (Nyanyian Rohani Methodist)
PKJ (Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat)
PKS (Pwuhken Koul Sarawi)
PPK (Puji-pujian Kristen)
PPPR (Puji-pujian Pemuda/Remaja)
RRZ (Runyankole Rukiga, Zaburi)
SP (Песнь Хвалы)
SPSS (Śpiewajmy Panu wyd. dziesiąte)
SR (Песнь Возрождения)
SR3300 (Песнь Возрождения 3300 / Song of Revival 3300)
SS (Духовни Песни)
SY (Песни Юности. Том 1 (Songs of Youth, Tome 1))
TSDAH (Worship Songs Hymnal (เพลงสรรเสริญ))
YJ (Юность-Иисусу)
YSMS (Тебе пою, о мой Спаситель)
1 Great is Thy Faithfulness
2 Praise to the Lord the Almighty
3 O for a Thousand Tongues
4 Praise my Soul, The King
5 To God be the Glory
6 O Happy Day
7 O LORD my God
8 And can it be?
9 Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD God Almighty
10 Father we adore You
11 Bless the Lord
12 Jesus we enthrone You
13 In Christ Alone
14 The Great Physician now is near
15 On a Hill Far Away
16 Man of Sorrows
17 How sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
18 Low in the Grave He Lay
19 There's a Redeemer
20 How lovely on the Mountain
21 Blessed Assurance
22 Amazing Grace
23 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
24 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
25 I know not why God's Wondrous Grace
26 What a Friend we have in Jesus
27 When we walk with the Lord
28 Standing on the Promises
29 Master Speak
30 I will sing the Wondrous Story
31 O what a Wonderful Day
32 I do not know what lies ahead
33 Love Divine
34 I am weak, But Thou art strong
35 Seek Ye First
36 Fight the Good Fight
37 Stand up, Stand up for Jesus
38 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
39 Just As I Am
40 All to Jesus, I Surrender
41 Rock of Ages
42 Take my Life and let it be
43 In Heavenly Armor
44 O Jesus I have promised
45 Would you be Free?
46 Have you been to Jesus
47 There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
48 Count Your Blessings
49 It is well with my Soul
50 Ancient Words
51 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
52 Tell me the Old Story
53 At the Cross
54 Onward Christian Soldiers
55 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name!
56 As the Deer Pantheth
57 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
58 Abide with Me
59 I Hear the Savior Say
60 They are watching you
61 How Deep the Father's Love for us
62 My Faith has found a Resting Place
63 Nearer my God to Thee
64 My Jesus I Love Thee
65 Shine Jesus Shine
66 God Sent His Son
67 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
68 The Lord's My Shepherd
69 O God Our Help
70 Immortal, Invisible God
71 Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
72 It's a Thing Most Wonderful
73 He Leadeth Me
74 God be with you till we meet again
75 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
76 How I Praise Thee, Precious Savior
77 I Pledge Allegiance
78 I've Found a Friend
79 Farther Along
80 Jesus Shall Reign
81 Rejoice, the Lord is King
82 I Need Thee Every Hour
83 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
84 Once in Royal David's City
85 Silent Night
86 The First Noel
87 Hark The Herald Angels Sing
88 O Little Town of Bethlehem
89 Joy to the World
90 O Come All Ye Faithful
91 Long Time Ago in Bethlehem
92 Angels From the Realms of Glory
93 Go Tell it on the Mountain
94 Angels we have heard on high
95 Feliz Navidad
96 See Him Lying on a Bed
98 Sirina Kirala
99 Above All
100 Trading My Sorrows
101 He Knows my Name
102 Here I am to Worship
103 Let the Weak Say I am strong
104 Be Lifted High
105 Mighty To Save
106 To the River
107 What a Fellowship
108 Arise
109 Imela
110 10,000 Reasons
111 You are Able
112 Blessed be Your Name
113 How Great is Our God
114 My Redeemer Lives
115 Thank You Lord
116 Tambira Jehovah
117 Broken Vessels
118 Nara
119 At the Centre of it all
120 Strong Tower
121 Take Your Glory
122 You Deserve It
123 Goodness of God
124 Power in the Blood
125 Nolonger A Slave
126 Victory Belongs
127 Wahamba Nathi
128 Heart of Worship
129 Draw me close to You
130 Come Now is the time to Worship
131 Wonderful, Merciful Savior
132 Solid Rock
133 Our God is Greater
134 Days of Elijah
135 What a Beautiful Name
136 Lord I need You
137 Ancient of Days
138 He did it again
AYM 80 Jesus Shall Reign
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Does His successive journeys run?
His kingdom stretches from shore to shore,
Till moons shall rise and set no more.
People and realms of every tongue
Declare His love in sweetest song,
And children's voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on his name.
Blessings abound where Jesus reigns
The prisoner leaps to lose his chains,
The weary find eternal rest,
The hungry and the poor are blessed.
To Him shall endless prayer be made,
And princes throng to crown His head;
His name like incense shall arise
With every morning sacrifice.
Let all creation rise and bring
The highest honors to our King,
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the loud 'Amen!'
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© 2010–2025 Tim Alkitab
© 2010–2025 Quick Bible Team