EN 3292 Sing the Joy of Easter Day
Versi Version 1
Sing the joy of Easter Day,
The Easter triumph tell,
Jesus rose on Easter Day,
The Lord Who loves us well.
Good Joseph had a garden;
Close by that sad green hill
Where Jesus died a bitter death
To save mankind from ill.
One evening in that garden
Their faces dark with gloom,
They laid the Savior’s body
Within good Joseph’s tomb.
There came the holy women
With spices and with tears;
The angels tried to comfort them,
But could not calm their fears.
Came Mary to that garden
And sobbed with heart forlorn;
She thought she heard the gardener ask
“Whom seekest thou this morn?”
She heard her own name spoken,
And then she lost her care;
All in His strength and beauty
The risen Lord stood fair!
Good Joseph had a garden;
Amid its trees so tall
The Lord Christ stood in Easter Day;
He lives to save us all.
And as He rose at Easter
He is alive for ay,
The very same Lord Jesus Christ
Who hears us sing today.
Go tell the Lord Christ’s message,
The Easter triumph sing,
Till all His waiting children know
That Jesus is their King.