KRI 265 Tuhan Allah Hadir
God Is In His Temple
William T. Matson
Joachim Neander
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Versi Version 1
Tuhan Allah hadir dalam rumah ini,
mari sujud menyembah Dia.
Tunduk dan berbakti, hikmat dan sehati
Kepada Bapa Pengasih.
Pujilah, nama-Nya,
Besar anug'rah-Nya, ajaiblah kasih-Nya.
Yesus Kristus hadir dalam rumah ini,
Hai, dengarkanlah sabda-Nya.
Umat yang ditebus, dosanya dihapus
Naikkan nyanyian kudus.
Pujilah, nama-Nya,
Umat yang t'lah bebas, dari s'gala dosa.
Rohul Kudus hadir dalam rumah ini,
Tinggal dalam hati kami.
Sucikanlah kami, jadikanlah bait Hu
Tuk genapi kehendak-Mu.
Pujilah, nama-Nya,
Sampai selamanya, di rumah yang baka.
Versi Version 2
God is in his temple,
the almighty Father;
round his footstool
let us gather;
him with adoration serve,
the Lord most holy,
who hath mercy on the lowly;
let us raise hymns of praise
for his great salvation:
God is in his temple!
Christ comes to his temple,
we, his word receiving,
are made happy in believing;
lo! from sin delivered
he hath turned our sadness,
our deep gloom to light and gladness;
let us raise hymns of praise,
for our bonds are severed:
Christ comes to his temple.
Come and claim thy temple,
gracious Holy Spirit;
in our hearts thy home inherit;
make in us thy dwelling,
thy high work fulfilling,
into ours thy will instilling,
till we raise hymns of praise
beyond mortal telling,
in th'eternal temple.