KRI 278 Hatiku Memuji Tuhan
O For A Heart To Praise My God
Charles Wesley
Thomas Haweis
1=F 3/4
Versi Version 1
Hatiku memuji Tuhan, dengan hati bebas;
Kuasa darah-Mu kualami tercurah di hati.
Hatiku rendah bertobat, bersih dan percaya;
Hidup, mati, tak pisahkanku dari kasih Tuhan.
Hatiku baharuilah, p'nuhi dengan kasih;
Sempurna, suci, dan benar serupa dengan Tuhan.
Seg'ra datang ya Tuhanku, jadikan ku baru;
Seluruh jiwa hatiku, muliakan Nama-Mu.
Versi Version 2
O for a heart to praise my God,
a heart from sin set free,
a heart that always feels Thy blood
So freely shed for me.
A humble, lowly, contrite heart,
Believing, true and clean,
Which neither life nor death can part
from Christ who dwells within.
A heart in every thought renewed
And full of love divine,
Perfect and right and pure and good,
A copy, Lord, of thine.
Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart;
Come quickly from above;
Write Thy new name upon my heart,
Thy new, best name of Love.

Audio yang tersedia di bawah ini belum tentu berasal dari sumber yang sama dengan penerbit buku yang di dalamnya lagu ini berada. The audio provided below does not necessarily originate from the same publisher of the book in which this song is included.