KRI 69 Seperti Tuhanku
More Like The Master
Charles H. Gabriel
1=Des 6/8
Versi Version 1
S'perti Tuhanku yang kurindukan,
yang lemah lembut dan rendah hati,
rajin bekerja, b'rani dalam benar,
lebih bersujud, selalu bergemar.
S'rahkan jiwa hanya kepada Hu.
S'rahkan jiwa segenap bagi Hu.
Jauhkan dosa, Tuhan tolonglahku,
basuh dan pegang jiwaku s'lalu.
S'perti Tuhanku, ku minta s'lalu
b'riku kekuatan tanggung salibku,
Kerja setia untuk K'rajaan-Nya,
penuh Roh Kudus memenangkan jiwa.
S'perti Tuhanku, hidup bagi Hu,
Penuh kasih Hu, nyata mulia Hu,
Menyangkal diri s'perti Tuhan Yesus,
S'perti Tuhanku sampai ku berjumpa.
Versi Version 2
More like the Master, I would ever be,
more of His meekness, more humility,
More zeal to labor, more courage to be true,
More consecration for work He bids me do.
Take Thou my heart, I would be Thine alone.
Take Thou my heart, and make it all Thine own.
Purge me from sin, O Lord, I now implore,
Wash me and keep me Thine forevermore.
More like the Master is my daily prayer,
more strength to carry crosses I must bear,
more earnest effort to bring His kingdom in,
More of His Spirit, the wanderer to win.
More like the Master, I would live and grow,
more of His love to others I would show,
more self-denial, like His in Galilee,
more like the Master, I long to ever be.

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